TiiL Tutorials

Writing PhD research paper

In writing my PhD research paper, how to write Related Work section?

The Related Work section of a PhD research paper is an important part of the paper that provides a comprehensive overview of the relevant literature on the research topic. This section should demonstrate the gap in the existing literature and how the proposed research addresses this gap. Here are some steps to follow while writing the Related Work section:

Identify the relevant literature: Start by identifying the key literature on the research topic. Use academic search engines, databases, and citation indexes to find relevant papers, books, and other sources.

Organize the literature: Organize the literature into categories or themes. This will help you to synthesize the literature and identify the gaps in the existing literature.

Synthesize the literature: Analyze and synthesize the literature by comparing and contrasting the different studies. This will help you to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the existing literature and how your research contributes to filling the gap.

Discuss the gaps and limitations: Discuss the gaps and limitations in the existing literature that your research aims to address. This will help to establish the relevance and importance of your research.

Provide a critical evaluation: Provide a critical evaluation of the existing literature. This includes assessing the quality of the studies, the validity of the results, and the relevance of the findings to your research question.

Summarize the key findings: Summarize the key findings of the literature review and how they relate to your research question. This will help to provide a clear rationale for your research.

Provide a roadmap: Finally, provide a roadmap for your research by outlining the research questions, hypotheses, and objectives. This will help to guide the reader through the rest of the paper.

Overall, the Related Work section should be well-structured, concise, and provide a clear and compelling rationale for your research.

How to select a suitable one.

Selecting suitable related work for your PhD research paper can be a challenging task, especially when there is a large volume of literature available. Here are some tips to help you select the most suitable related work for your paper:
  1. Focus on the most recent and relevant literature: Start by focusing on the most recent and relevant literature that is directly related to your research question. This will help you to identify the current trends and gaps in the literature.
  2. Use citation indexes and academic search engines: Use citation indexes and academic search engines to identify the most cited and influential papers in your field. This will help you to identify the key contributors and the most important concepts in your field.
  3. Consult with your supervisor or colleagues: Consult with your supervisor or colleagues who are knowledgeable in your field. They can provide you with valuable insights and recommendations on the most suitable literature.
  4. Look for contrasting viewpoints and controversies: Look for literature that presents contrasting viewpoints and controversies in your field. This will help you to critically evaluate the existing literature and identify the gaps in the literature.
  5. Consider the quality of the studies: Consider the quality of the studies when selecting related work. Look for studies that use robust research methods and provide clear and valid results.
  6. Evaluate the relevance of the studies: Evaluate the relevance of the studies to your research question. Look for studies that directly address the research question or provide valuable insights into the topic.

By following these tips, you can select the most suitable related work for your PhD research paper and provide a comprehensive overview of the relevant literature in your field.

Recommend any academic search engines

Here are some academic search engines that you can use to find relevant literature for your PhD research paper:
  1. Google Scholar: Google Scholar is a free search engine that provides access to a wide range of scholarly literature, including articles, theses, books, and conference papers. It is a useful tool for finding relevant literature and citations.
  2. Scopus: Scopus is a subscription-based database that provides access to scholarly literature, including articles, conference proceedings, and books. It includes citations from thousands of publishers and indexes content from a wide range of disciplines.
  3. Web of Science: Web of Science is a subscription-based database that provides access to scholarly literature, including articles, conference proceedings, and books. It indexes content from a wide range of disciplines and includes citations from thousands of publishers.
  4. PubMed: PubMed is a free database that provides access to biomedical and life sciences research literature, including articles, books, and conference proceedings. It is a useful tool for finding relevant literature in these fields.
  5. Microsoft Academic: Microsoft Academic is a free search engine that provides access to a wide range of scholarly literature, including articles, conference proceedings, and books. It includes citations from thousands of publishers and indexes content from a wide range of disciplines.

These academic search engines can be used to find relevant literature for your PhD research paper. However, keep in mind that these databases may have different strengths and limitations, so it is important to choose the one that is most relevant to your research question and field of study.


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